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A Professional Development Suite


Who Are We

DECODED: A Science of Reading training

Have you...

- Heard some BUZZ about the Science of Reading and want to know more?

- Been through previous training that was brief (or maybe not so brief) that addressed the WHY not the HOW?

- Maybe the HOW was talked about but, you are still feeling unsure…

- Maybe you want to bring the Science of Reading to your practice but feel overwhelmed about where and how to start?

- Has your state passed recent legislation requiring Dyslexia Screening or training? 

- English Spelling rules are convoluted and cumbersome, and honestly, nobody has time for that! 






Hi!  I'm Lynn.  I’ve been in your shoes!  Over a decade ago I walked into a public special education classroom.  I sat across a table from sweet little faces who could NOT read!  And, I had NO IDEA how to help them!  In 2016, I took advantage of a classroom crowd funding option to attend an Orton-Gillingham training, and haven't looked back!  Then, resources were hard to come by, and I build a lot of my curriculum from scratch.  I've learned through trial and error, and asking a lot of questions (I was on a first name basis with my trainer).  I used this methodology in general education classrooms as co-teacher, I've also used it as TIER II & III intervention in various settings.


In 2019, I opened the tutoring center to allow myself the opportunity to teach kids HOW TO READ, in the way they deserved to be taught!


AND NOW! I want to give you the power to change the conversations in your buildings, in RTI meetings, and the community!  I want you to feel confident in your specialized instruction!  To give parents the comfort that their kids will FINALLY get the instruction they need! 


Over the 9 Sessions of this course we adress ALL things Dyslexia. We will talk about Brain Science, How brains learn to read, and we break down every step of the lesson from Phonological Awareness to Alphabetic Principle, Decoding, Fluency, Heart Words, and more.  We also address the RTI process, intensified instruction and Special Education Alignment.


Upon completion of this self-paced course ... 


- You will feel confident in identifying dyslexia from the first signs, all the way through a screening process

- You will have access to LIVE coaching (your choice), and will be able to implement the lessons, upon completion of the course, with confidence. 

- You will be able to guide conversations in RTI meetings, and write appropriate Science of Reading aligned IEP goals and accommodations

- You will join a community of educators who are CHANGING THE LIVES OF KIDS! 


The Science of Reading doesn't take away the LOVE of reading through rote drills, it empowers kids to be life long, independent, confident, LEARNERS!


On-Demand options available for you to learn at your pace.  Sign up for 90 days of learning access.  $575






School Site Training

How are we helping Schools?

We are changing the practice in schools around the Nation!  We provide a tailored service that includes: 

     - High Quality training to staff in the practices of Science of Reading

     - Lesson Plans that support the instructional shift

     - Hands-on classroom support for confident lesson structure & delivery

     - Data Management & Guided Shifts to Structured Literacy


We understand that there are many paths to teaching Structured Literacy Lessons, and following the bread crumb trail can be time consuming and cumbersome.  We also know that teachers are already over-worked.  


Our expert staff of Teacher Leaders are excited to come along side your teachers to show them the way.  Let's stop wasting valuable time trying to figure it out. 


We already know how!  Let us SHOW you how!

School Kids

Only need a piece of the pie?

These are the shorter versions of our DECODED suite to help you pick EXACTLY what you need!

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Dyslexia Decoded

This is a 3 part series ALL about Dyslexia. We will discuss what Dyslexia is, set the record straight with a conversation about what it's NOT, and leave you with some brain science. We included a Dyslexia Screening tool to help you identify kids "holes" so you can make quick work of intervention programs.


The purchase of this portion of the DECODED series will allow 30 days of content access, to learn at your own pace.


Sign up HERE


The Lesson Plan Decoded

This is Sessions 4-8 of the Decoded series.  Each of these sessions addresses a part of the lesson plan including a lecture, a demo, and links to research related to the dyslexia connection.

Do you already know everything you need to know about Dyslexia? Are you trying to understand the lesson plan implemetation?  There is a lot to know, and it can be overwhelming.  This Course is dedicated to the efficient implementation of a structured literacy lesson plan.  We included a pdf to print your own phoneme deck and letter tiles to support your lesson.


Are you ready to change how you teach Reading? 


Sign up HERE

Image by Nick Fewings

Tiered Instruction, SpEd, and more...

Coming Soon...

This section of the Decoded Professional Development Suite, is dedicated to guiding you through the intricate webs of intervention.  Where to start instruction, how to pace instruction, and to help our most impacted readers... 


This is not for the faint of heart!  Shifting to structured literacy is a BIG TASK, and there is a lot that needs to happen.  Let us help you do it!


We have created an SOR alignment guide for those of you using HMH Into Reading, this can be purchased for an additional cost. 


We also have a signature DECODED curriculum to help you get started teaching structured literacy lessons today!

We can't wait to meet you!

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How can Dyslexia Tutoring help your child?

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 Address: 1665 25th St. SE, Salem, OR 97302

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